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Reuniones de clubes

December Meeting Highlights


Club President, Marilyn Booker with our December speaker, Eric Hansen, candidate for US Senate.

We were honored to personally meet and hear from our U.S. Senate candidate, Eric Hansen. His background is a successful career in corporate America and a strong skillset in collaboration and negotiation. He is not a politician, (which is what so many people liked about Donald Trump) but has a proven track record and desire to “fix things”. 


He cited many DE  statistics – groceries are 40% higher than after the pandemic; 60% of DE residents live paycheck to paycheck and 70% of residents could not afford a $1,00 car repair…all of which support changes needed to improve the Delaware economy. He suggested a deterrent to the economic growth is  our “broken schools” (see details on his website). In DE only 41% of students read at their grade level and 31% of students perform at the math level for their grade. Education is a focus of his platform. Learn about his views on education and more at –

Valerie Jones Giltner is our 37th District DE House of Representatives candidate for the seat recently vacated by Ruth Briggs King.


This is a critical election to prevent the Democrats in the House from getting a simple majority. Changes to our DE Constitution can be enacted with a simple majority--changes that can effect voting laws, gun laws and lots more that are not in the interest of most conservative voters.


Valerie is a retired nurse and the daughter of local independent business owners. She brings an extensive knowledge of healthcare and business to benefit the interests of the 37th District and our state.


Early voting is available NOW until 12/19 at the Department of Elections Sussex County, Georgetown Warehouse, 542 South Bedford St., Georgetown, DE 19947.


Election date for this special election for residents of the 37th district is 12/21/23 at the voting location on your poll card.


Guest speaker, Valerie Jones Giltner, our 37th District DE House of Representatives candidate and Ruth Briggs King.

Our traditional silent auction and bake sale


As is the annual tradition, our December meeting is also a fundraiser for our scholarship fund. Our smiling elf, Debra Czajkowski. collected for a 50/50 raffle. Our silent auction and bake sale were managed by our Fundraising Chair Adrienne Ponzini. Everyone left with sweet treats for the holidays or a few gifts for under the tree and our scholarship fund got a good boost.

November Meeting Highlights

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Club President, Marilyn Booker with our November speaker, Donyale Hall, candidate for US Congress.

2024 U. S. Congress candidate Donyale Hall was entertaining and informative at our November 15th meeting. As a mother of 10, all educated in the DE public school system, she has first hand knowledge of areas in in our schools that need attention. “Education costs are going up and student outcomes are going down “. One of her goals is to improve education in Delaware where only 4 of 10 students at at grade level in reading and 3 of 10 are grade level in mathematics. She served in the U S Air Force and is a strong advocate for veterans issues.


Click here to learn more about Donyale's platform.​

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New SCRW Member

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Membership chair, Carole Andrejko, introduced new member Jackie Moyer.

Special Award

Marilyn and Dianna with 2023 Diamond Awa

At the Delaware Federation of Republican Women’s Annual Convention in October, the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club was again awarded a Diamond Award from the National Federation of Republican Women. This award recognizes achievements in campaign activities, programs, community relations and State functions. Our Communications Secretary, Dianna Robertson, accepted the award certificate of behalf of the club.

Guest speaker, 2024 U. S. Congress candidate Donyale Hall, enlightens SCRWC members.

October Meeting Highlights

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Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Del Tech Owens Campus, described the mission and demographics of DelTech.  She explained how the college works with local businesses to identify and develop programs that are relevant to the needs of the community and the organizations.  This is precisely the reason for our changing the focus of our scholarship program.  

Our guest speaker, Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Del Tech Owens Campus.

The SCRWC Scholarship of $2500 has changed its focus and will be divided among five non-traditional Republican women students.  These are students whose tuitions are being paid through the SEED program.  Although generous, this program doesn’t not provide for those ancillary expenses such as books, lab fees, uniforms, etc. necessary for the students’ success. This is where our contribution fills in.  Dr. Barends explained the college is already receiving applications for the Spring Semester and will be sending us the names of our grantees as soon as these are finalized.  

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Dr. Bobbi Barends, Vice President and Campus Director, Del Tech Owens Campus and our President, Marilyn Booker.

New SCRW Member

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Our Membership Chair, Carole Andrejko, introduces our newest member this month, Barbara MacQuarrie

Special Guest

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Delaware State Representative Rich Collins made a quick visit to the meeting to thank the club members for their support.

September Meeting Highlights

Representative Mike Ramone spoke about some of the fiscal missteps the current administration has made. When they have surpluses, they have not given any money back to the taxpayers, which is his preference. Money we are spending on education is not getting to the classroom. He also spoke a lot about the need to have unity in the party and for people to stop using purity tests to determine how much of a Republican someone is.

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Our guest speaker, Delaware State Representative Mike Ramone.

SCRWC Leadership

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President Marilyn Booker with Minority Leader of the DE House of Representatives, Mike Ramone.

New SCRW Members

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 Carole Andrejko, Membership Chair with new members Dottie Arafat, Nancy Evans, Marcia Ferranto, Jane Miller, and Rita Ward.

​June Meeting Highlights

Julianne Murray, our newly elected DE State GOP Chair, reported her first 58 days have been action packed. Her focus, as expressed by Kellyanne Conway at the DE State Committee Dinner in April, is “Unity, not Unanimity”. She will strive for Republicans to be joined together even when they may not always agree. How will she do that? She will champion issues that we can all support, namely regaining DE House and Senate seats.  Without these seats, the General Assembly can amend our State Constitution in ways that do not support our conservative values.

We all need to step up….Volunteer your time…Join a working group either on the County or State level – [click on icons below for links to the Sussex county and Delaware state sites]

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SCRWC Leadership

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Our fearless leaders, President Marilyn Booker and past President, Cathy Watts keep us on track.

Our guest speaker, Julianne Murray, newly elected Delaware State GOP Chair, generated many new guests to our meeting from as far as Tucson, Arizona!

New SCRW Members

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We saw a big smile from our membership chair, Carole Andrejko, when she could welcome four new  members this month, (L-R) Denise Lesniewski, Diana Hakakian, Alexander Reed Baker and Jennie Quinn. So glad to have you join us, ladies!

May Meeting Highlights

Our speaker for May's meeting was Michael Vincent, Council President of the 5 member Sussex County Council. He explained the many projects underway by the council, fielding questions on many. Highlights are: DELDOT has committed $1B ( yes, billion) to roads in Sussex County, the Business Park behind the airport is progressing, Paramedics will now be carrying whole blood, (O Negative) in ambulances, the new paramedic training center will be opening soon which includes a certified laboratory, and 90% of real estate transfer tax received by the county goes to public safety.


There has been a national increase in real estate fraud. The County offers a notification system to property owners. To receive a Property Fraud Alert, register on the Sussex County website with the Recorder of Deeds. Look for Recording Activity Notification to get an email notification every time a land record is recorded in a registered name.  Staff in the Recorder of Deeds office are very helpful if you need assistance.

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Guest speaker: Michael Vincent, Sussex County Council President

News from SCRWC President

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Club President , Marilyn Booker, updated members on recent training for a Youth Outreach program, a recent State Executive Committee meeting, and results of recent school board elections, among other things.

SCRWC New Scholarship Chair

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Hope Whaley, our new chairperson for the Scholarship Committee shared her objectives for the 2024 awards. Applicants to trade and technical schools will be added to eligible candidates. Meetings with Del Tech are scheduled to determine their students financial needs.

April Meeting Highlights

The club was educated and amused by Loren Spivack at this months meeting. He is the founder of “Free Market Warrior” in 2009 which attempts  to make a positive difference in the American politics and economics.  He spoke on the current division in our country and his simple description of socialism..(A)someone has a vision and (B)that person believes that they are entitled to use the Power of State to impose that vision on anyone outside their vision…..sound familiar????


Mr. Spivack has written seven books, under the pen name of Dr. Truth, which are parodies of  several political personalities and families using characters similar to familiar Dr. Suess characters. They are written in rhymes with clever illustrations.  He has introduced  his latest book “Kamalot” about the Biden Family and Kamala Harris.

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Marilyn Booker (SCRWC Chair) introduces guest speaker, Loren Spivak, economist and author.

SCRWC New Member

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We welcomed one of our newest members, Kim Stevenson, with a New Member packet from Carole Andrejko, our membership Chairperson.


March Meeting Highlights

37th District Representative Ruth Briggs King, a SCRWC club member and the only GOP female elected to the DE General Assembly, updated members on some things going on in Dover. She spoke on the woke agenda distracting us from significant changes in our society.

The first of five Town Hall Meetings on the governor’s EV mandate had an overwhelming turnout. (A recording of the evening is available on our home page along with future Town Hall Meeting dates.)

She also advised that our Senator Chris Coons recently made a visit to our southern border. His reaction was “There is a crisis!”…”The Border is Broken!”???? Better late than never….

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Guest speaker: 37th District Representative Ruth Briggs King

May 9th School Board Candidates

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Shane Bowden - Delmar School District Candidate

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Michael Bellerose - Indian River School District Candidate

Area School Board elections on Tuesday, May 9thwill see some strong conservative candidates, and not all Republicans. Shane Bowden - Delmar School District (left) , Michael Bellerose - Indian River School District (right) and Shawn Lovenguth - Cape Henlopen School District (not pictured) all presented their goals if elected. A consistent theme was safety for students and teachers, which they feel does not exist in all schools.


NOTE: If you are not sure where you are eligible to vote or want an absentee ballot for the school board elections, go to

SCRWC New Members

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New member Shirley Heisey was introduced by our membership chair, Carole Anderjko.

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New member, Nancy Kelly also received her New Membership packet from membership chair, Carole Andrejko.

February Meeting Highlights


Cathy Watts, past DFRW President, welcomes guest speaker Dr. Kevin Carson, Superintendent of Sussex County Vocational Technical School District.


Our featured speaker, Dr, Kevin Carson, addressed SCRWC members at the February meeting. Dr. Carson is the Superintendent of  Sussex Vocational School which is listed in the top 10 high schools in Delaware.  He explained the function of the school and mentioned they have a low dropout rate and an outstanding graduation rate.  Plans are in the works for a new school which is approximately 4 years away.

January Meeting Highlights

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New Members, Hope Whaley(L) and Byrn Smith (R) were introduced and welcomed to our club by Membership Chair, Carole Andrejko (C).

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Guest speaker Dr. David Legates, C.C.M., a climatologist and a former Delaware state climatologist.

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At our 1/25/23 meeting we were entertained and educated by Dr. David Legates, C.C.M., a climatologist and a former Delaware state climatologist. He presented documented evidence that support “global warming crisis” as exaggerated. Charts and graph showed minimal changes back as far as 1895, as well as evidence that CO2 emissions support plant growth, which many feel is beneficial. Delaware is a member of RGGI, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cooperative effort among 12 eastern states to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel (coal, oil & natural gas) power plants. [Although the RGGI is often called a “cap and trade” program, its effect is the same as a direct tax or fee on emissions because RGGI allowance costs are passed on from electric generators to distribution companies to consumers. Could this be the reason for the DELMARVA rate increase last month?????]

This is a very broad topic, and our speaker piqued the interest in many listeners to learn more, especially in light of Gov. Carney’s proposed DNREC regulation change.  Read more in the 1/23 edition of the Delaware Times.

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