November 2022
WHAT’S AT STAKE! Greetings, fellow Republicans, We’re one week away and counting. If you are as concerned about the direction our state has taken recently as I am, you must vote! There is no doubt that the Democrats in Delaware have moved more and more to the progressive left. In fact, 10 of them have been endorsed by the Delaware Democratic Socialists of America. Who are they? I think the name says it all! If Delaware continues with one-party rule, you can expect that there will be more and more bills that try to circumvent the U.S. and Delaware Constitutions submitted and passed in Dover. Our children will be subjected to more sexualization and age-inappropriate content. The government will continue to insert itself into our families and undermine parent-child relationships and trust. The 2nd Amendment as written is at risk. I’m not trying to vilify all Democrats. Certainly, there are moderates among them with whom we can negotiate and work. I am just sounding the alarm that if we allow the status quo, the progressives in the party who are gaining in numbers, will take it as a mandate to continue their activities and get even more outrageous in their legislative agenda. We have an excellent slate of candidates both statewide and local. Some of these are novice candidates who have been very quick to learn the political ropes. Some have run before. Statewide we have Lee Murphy for US Congress, Julianne Murray for DE Attorney General, Greg Coverdale for State Treasurer, and Janice Lorrah, for Auditor of Accounts. Each of these is far more qualified for the positions they seek than their opponents. In Sussex County, Jeff Hilovsky in our new RD 4, Dallas Wingate in RD 20, and Carl Phelps in RD 14 have worked very hard and deserve our support. Certainly, our incumbents with opponents deserve our backing as well. In the General Assembly these incumbents have opponents: SD 18 – Dave Wilson, SD 41- Bryant Richardson, RD 39 – Danny Short, and RD 41- Rich Collins. Our two County Councilmen who are on the ballot, CC 4 – Doug Hudson and CC 5- John Rieley are being challenged. Finally, Robert Lee, our Sheriff, has a rival for that office. I’m so proud of the efforts Republicans have put forth during this election cycle. We’ve had Republican volunteers work as Checker-Challengers during early voting for the Primary, the General and on Primary Election Day. We also have quite a few who are working the polls as Checker-Challengers next Tuesday, for the General Election. Republicans are also working as Poll Workers for the Department of Elections during Early Voting and on Election Day. We’ve written letters to the editor in support of our candidates and dropped literature and waved signs and knocked on doors. We’ve placed signs in our yards and on the various roadways throughout the county. Let’s not forget the financial support we’ve given candidates and the party! We will be joining the meetings at the Department of Elections to observe the opening and processing of Absentee Ballots, making certain that these ballots meet the criteria set in Delaware Code. We will continue making Get Out the Vote calls at the Sussex GOP office, 131 E. Market St. in Georgetown, every day between now and 6 PM on November 8th. If you are able, please contact Lewis Briggs II at: Please put “PHONE BANK” in the subject line. All these efforts are extremely important but they are not the only things to be done. EVERY Republican MUST vote by November 8th at 8 PM. Please make sure that you encourage your Republican family members, friends and persuadable Independents and Democrats to vote. Offer to drive those who are not planning to vote to the polls. I look forward to November 9th for a number of reasons but most of all to be able to write to you about how the Red Wave came to our shores and washed over Delaware. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
Special Messages from Marilyn
November 7 – Fentanyl poisoning of our state
Good evening, fellow Republicans, This Tuesday we are looking forward to a Red Wave. We’ve been hearing about it for months now. Let’s hope this wave comes to our shores and washes across our state. I have attached a video that you should find not only interesting but scary. (You may need to copy and paste the url into your browser.). It discusses the fentanyl poisonings that are plaguing our country. As you know this is directly related to our open border. Delaware has been particularly hard hit. Please pass this along to your lists. We must sound the alarm and make our fellow citizens aware. Sometimes I feel as though we think that just because we are small and live in this wonderful area we are immune to these types of catastrophes. Sadly, that’s not so. Click to Download 3671617720474272599delaware_overdose.mp4 0 bytes Finally, instead of our regular Region Meeting on 11/14, we will be having a pizza party. We want to thank everyone for all the hard work they’ve done over this election period. Anyone who has worked as a checker-challenger, absentee ballot observer, made phone calls, canvassed, sign waved, addressed envelopes, or worked as a greeter at the polls is invited. Please pass this invitation to anyone who may not receive this message. In order to be certain we have enough food, please RSVP by Sunday, 11/13 to: Put PIZZA in the subject line. Please pray and encourage your Republican friends and family members to vote. We must get every Republican to the polls to vote. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee