March 2023
March 31, 2023
Greetings fellow Republicans,
Please take a look at this short but very informative video about Governor Carney’s latest mandate – Electric Vehicles! Chris Beronio is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and engineer who worked in the nuclear power sector.
(4640) Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles in 2023 – YouTube
Marilyn Booker, Chair
Sussex County Republican Committee
March 14, 2023 Greetings fellow Republicans, Happy Pi Day! Today is the day to remember that irrational number, 3.141592653589793238! Sadly, that’s not the only thing that’s irrational in Delaware. Governor Carney’s electric vehicle mandate is moving forward with DNREC having the only say in what we will be driving in the future. If you’d like to be fully informed about the mandate; the science related to climate change; and the practical issues surrounding the move to Electric Vehicles, there will be a Town Hall on Tuesday, March 21st. at the Indian River Senior Center, 104 Irons Avenue, Millsboro. This “don’t miss” event begins at 6:30 PM. Representative Rich Collins, RD 41, David Legates, PhD, Climatologist, and David Stevenson, Director for the Center of Energy and the Environment at the Caesar Rodney Institute will speak and answer questions from the attendees. CONVENTION The State Party Convention is April 29th at the Modern Maturity Center, 1121 Forrest Ave, in Dover. At this convention we will be electing our State Party Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. We are still looking for Convention Delegates to complete our Sussex County contingent of 107. We also need 2 alternates for each Rep District. If you are interested and able to serve, please contact our Secretary, Betty Bridgeman, Delegate names must be submitted by April 9th, 2023. THE FABULOUS GREASE BAND The Sussex County Republican Women’s Club is holding its Annual Dinner Dance after the Convention on April 29th. The festivities will take place at St. Jude’s Catholic Church, 152 Tulip Drive in Lewes. The featured entertainment is the Fabulous Greaseband. Tickets are $50 per person for dinner and entertainment. There will be live and silent auctions and raffles. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help support statewide and local Sussex County candidates in 2024. This promises to be a fun evening. So, get out your dancing shoes and prepare to rock and roll to the hits of the 60’s, 70’s. Tickets are available at: DATE CHANGE! Our next Region Meeting will be April 3rd. We are moving the meeting date to avoid Easter Monday. Please mark your calendars! Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee
March 3, 2023 Greetings, fellow Republicans, The State GOP’s Executive Committee met last Thursday evening. There were some things discussed that I wanted to share with you: The state party is seeking volunteers to make phone calls to voters and ask a few survey questions. Those who volunteer will be given a call list and a script. If you have some time and interest in helping with this project, please contact me: mail to School Board Elections will take place on May 9th. The last day to file to be a candidate is Today! March 3rd. We are still trying to identify people who are willing to represent our children on these boards and not the harmful ideology that is creeping into public school curricula throughout the state. For the School Board Elections on May 9th, there will be only 2 ways to cast a ballot in this election – either absentee or in person on May 9th. These elections typically have an extremely low turnout. It may be difficult to determine who the candidates are because after a candidate files and before the name is posted on the Department of Elections’ website, the candidate is put through background checks. This process may take a few weeks. As the candidates who share our values complete the vetting process, I will send you their names. Then, it is critical that you go the polls and vote for them! Members of the General Assembly are requesting that we send letters in opposition to the Electric Vehicle mandate to Governor Carney – and Shawn Garvin – Please see the February Chair’s message for details. The State Party Convention will be held at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover this year. The annual dinner is April 28th. The price has yet to be determined. The Convention is the next day, Saturday, April 29th. The cost of the Convention is $50.00. At this convention we will elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as address any new State Party Rules. The Sussex Region has the largest contingent of Delegates with 107. We also need 2 alternates for each RD. If you are interested in being a delegate or alternate, please contact me very soon. We must submit the names of our Delegates to the state by April 9th. We will be offering an RDC/EDC Training on March 15th at Old Paths Church of Christ. There is no need to register, just arrive at the Church by 6:30 PM to attend the class. We will be discussing some of the latests tactics for getting out the vote and electioneering and how each of you can participate in turning Delaware Red. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee