June 2024

June 14, 2024

Good afternoon SCRWC members and associates,

Ruth Briggs King, our long-time member and previous Representative of RD 37, formally announced her candidacy for Lt Governor today!  Some of you were able to attend her event at the old Georgetown Courthouse.  For those of you who we unable to attend, please see some of the pictures that Diana Robertson and Sherry Long were kind enough to share. 

I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to put our full support behind Ruth.  That means phone-banking, door-knocking, inviting neighbor for coffees or cocktail parties, and making donations.  You can make a contribution or volunteer to Ruth’s campaign here:  Ruthfordelaware.com

No amount is too small.  Considering the outstanding job she did when representing the 37th district, I am certain we can expect that same level of excellence from Ruth as the Delaware Lt, Governor.  

Unlike other states, the Governor and Lt. Governor do not run as a ticket in Delaware.  But we have a wonderful duo in Mike Ramone for Governor and Ruth for Lt. Governor,  This is truly a dream team!

In addition, we must take back SD 6, RD 20, and capture RD 14.  We have superb candidates in Kim Hoey Stevenson (SD 6), Nikki Miller (RD 20), and Mike Simpler (RD 14).  We must also be certain we hold on to the seats we have!  

So, let’s get this done!  Our club should and must play a very important and relevant role in this election.  The future of Delaware requires it!.



Ruth Briggs King’s Campaign Announcement for Lt. Governor in Dover at 12 Noon on June 14th

Ruth Briggs King announced her campaign for Lt Governor on Flag Day.

Sen. Eric Buckson introduced Ruth Briggs King.

Sen. Eric Buckson and Ruth Briggs King, Candidate for Lt. Governor.

 Ruth Briggs King, Candidate for Lt. Governor, addresses supporters.

Ruth Briggs King’s Campaign Announcement for Lt. Governor at 2 PM in Georgetown on June 14th

June 5, 2024

Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,


Our SCRWC member, Ruth Briggs King will be making her formal announcement for Lt. Governor on June 14th.  Ruth will be making her announcement in each county according to the following schedule:


  • 10 AM in the Old Court House in New Castle County

  • 12 PM on the steps of Legislative Hall in Dover

  •  2 PM at the Old Court House in Georgetown


Please make every effort to attend Ruth’s announcement in Georgetown.  Ruth is a long-time member of the SCRWC and we need to show her our support.




June 3, 2024


Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,


As President of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club, and in conjunction with our Board of Directors, I feel compelled and responsible to alert our membership and others to some of the divisive and unwarranted attacks aimed at the Republican endorsed candidate for governor, Mike Ramone. 


It appears that some of this hostility is rooted in Mike’s vote for HB 110, the bill that mandates any health insurer doing business in Delaware provide coverage for abortions.


We were privileged to have Mike speak to our membership at our May meeting.  As part of his remarks, Mike explained the reason for his vote on this bill.  Simply put, Mike was voting the way those who elected him wanted him to.  He has represented this blue district for 16 years because they trust him to represent their voices.


Second, some are quoting the Constitution as they denigrate Mike for having voted for HB110.  Know that we as a club are 100% pro-life and are certainly not happy with this vote.  However, we are reminded of the first three words of the preamble to the Constitution, “WE THE PEOPLE.”  This means that in a Democratic Republic, we can elect representatives who will represent us, their constituents.  This does not mean that our Representatives must/should vote their party.  The preamble to the Constitution does not state “We the Party!”


Sadly, there seems to be mistaken belief that there should be a “purity test” when we are asked to support Republican candidates.  Words like “RINO” and “Establishment” are thrown around as though they were curse words.  You also hear things like, “And this is why we always lose!”  Most of the people who act as though they have the recipe for the secret sauce that will guarantee wins, have been involved in Delaware Republican politics for a very long time.  I would remind them that the Democrats have run this state for decades.  How is it that these experienced politicos believe that denigrating a Republican candidate for Governor is going to change that dynamic?


Now is the time for us to come together.  There should be no more airing of “dirty laundry” in public.  If we don’t stop pointing fingers, this divisiveness will surely be the reason we will lose in 2024.  It may make some feel virtuous at the time but that is selfish and certainly will not fix what ails Delaware.  Purity tests have no place in this or any election.  Remember what Ronald Reagan said, “Half a loaf is better than no loaf.” 


Marilyn Booker, President

Carole Andrejko, 1st Vice President

Adrienne Ponzini, 2nd Vice President

Elizabeth Bridgeman, Treasurer

Marie Ziobro, Ass’t. Treasurer

Lucy Wilcox, Recording Secretary

Diana Robertson, Corresponding Secretary

Patricia Woodring, Parliamentarian

Hope Whaley, Scholarship Chair

Gale White, Scholarship Committee


June 1,  2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,


On Friday we received a first-hand example of how easily our God-given rights can be exploited and denied by a far-left leaning administration that unapologetically uses the Judicial System to prosecute their political opponents.  Whether you are a President Trump supporter or detractor, the actions of the New York District Attorney, Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan are outrageous and harmful.  In a Banana Republic-style action they have undermined one of the most basic canons of our Democracy.


Anyone with any common sense realizes that this “trial” and the “charges” were a sham and a disgrace to our Judicial system.  This weaponization of one of the most important tenets of our Democracy is nothing more than the politization of Lady Justice and this should frighten us all.  Rather than cower in the corner, ringing our hands and shaking our heads, it is time for us to get active and motivated.  There is no time or room for apathy.  We must get out the vote and rally around our candidates, Federal and local.  I, like others, get very tired of hearing how “this election is the most important in our lifetime.”  However, after four years of the Biden-Harris administration, I may have to change my view of just how consequential this election will be.  Another four years of the Biden-Harris administration and we will not recognize our country.


Let’s make a commitment to work together to take back our country and our state.  We cannot allow a travesty like this to occur again.

