
Past Monthly Messages from Marilyn

September 2022

Greetings, fellow Republicans,  The summer is almost gone.  We are almost into what some call the “locals’ season.”  The children are back in school, thank goodness. No remote learning this year!  It is also time really get serious about the elections.  We can’t stress enough the importance of the elections this year. Early voting has started and it’s time to get out and vote.  In Sussex County we have two county-wide races.  Everyone who goes to the polls in Sussex County will find a primary for Register of Wills, and one for Recorder of Deeds. Your choices for Register of Wills include Ellen Magee, the incumbent, Candice Green Wilkinson and Greg Fuller.  The Recorder of Deeds race finds Incumbent Scott Dailey being challenged by Alexandra Reed Baker. If you live in RD 36, there is a primary between Incumbent Bryan Shupe and challenger Patrick Smith.  In our new Representative District, 4 Bradley Layfied and Jeff Hilovsky are each seeking this seat. County Council District 5 finds a contest between incumbent John Rieley and Keller Hopkins. I encourage you to read up on the candidates and use your precious vote wisely.  There’s a lot at stake in these races. There are 5 voting locations in Sussex County for early voting and 10 days to vote.  Early voting began on August 31st.  The locations in Sussex County are: Millville Community Center: 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville DE 19967 Lewes Fire Department Station #2: 32198 Janice Rd, Lewes DE 19958 Laurel Fire Hall: 205 W. 10th St, Laurel DE 19956 Dept of Elections-Warehouse (Georgetown): 542 South Bedford St, Georgetown DE 19947 Dept of Elections-Warehouse (Seaford): 200 Allen St, Seaford DE 19973 Know that for Early Voting, you can vote at any of these locations.  On Primary Election Day, you must vote in your designated election district. The schedule is as follows: Date / Time Wed, Aug 31, 2022: 11AM – 7PM Thu, Sep 1, 2022: 11AM – 7PM Fri, Sep 2, 2022: 11AM – 7PM Sat, Sep 3, 2022: 11AM – 7PM Tue, Sep 6, 2022: 11AM – 7PM Wed, Sep 7, 2022: 7AM – 7PM Thu, Sep 8, 2022: 7AM – 7PM Fri, Sep 9, 2022: 7AM – 7PM Sat, Sep 10, 2022:  7AM – 7PM Sun, Sep 11, 2022: 7AM – 7PM Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their party (and their candidates)!  If you ever took personal use typing, you probably remember this phrase.  (The additions in the parentheses are mine!). However, the sentiment remains current. We have candidates who are in need of volunteers to assist with canvassing.  For those of you who have taken the EDC//Volunteer Training class, now is the time to exercise what I hoped you learned.  Contact the candidates you wish to support and offer to help canvass with them.  If you need information on getting in contact with a particular candidate or candidates, contact me and I’ll put you in touch with the campaign or the candidate.  The statewide candidates should be part of your discussion when you speak with voters.  As a reminder these are Lee Murphy for U.S. Congress, Julianne Murray for Attorney General, Greg Coverdale for State Treasurer, and Janet Lorrah for Auditor of Accounts.  Each of these candidates is eminently qualified for the jobs they seek. Finally we are still looking for volunteers for the Delaware Freedom Festival.  Please consider helping with the Festival on October 8th.  We are looking for assistance with directing parking, checking in people who have purchased tickets in advance and selling tickets to those paying at the gate.   We also need Event Ambassadors to check with the vendors during the day and make certain they have what they need or if they have any questions.  We need people to work as closers to make sure that all the trash is in the containers and that we turn Hudson Fields back as we found it. Please contact me if you are able to volunteer – 410-925-2200.  Leave a voicemail and I will get back with you shortly or send me an email: Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee

August 2022

Greetings fellow Republicans, Sorry for the delay in getting this out.  Things have been extremely busy working with candidates and finalizing plans for our Delaware Freedom Festival on October 7th and 8th.  I hope to see all of you at the Rusty Rudder on the evening of October 7th for our banquet featuring Stephen Moore, President Trump’s Senior Economic Advisor and at the Festival on October 8th at Hudson Fields.  We have an outstanding lineup of fun family events for the children as well as speakers for us political junkies.  The children will enjoy the petting zoo and pony rides as well as police K-9 demonstrations.  There will be a photo booth with lots of “props” to dress up for fun or funny pictures.   The speaker lineup includes nationally-known and local pundits.  Stephen Moore will make an encore appearance.  He will be joined by LtCol Oliver North, Doug Collins, former GA Congressman, and John Mac Isaac, the computer repair shop owner who had Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Jeff Hague of DSSA, Nandi Randolph of DFPC, Abraxas Hudson of the Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, and Larry Mayo of the Institute on the Constitution are some of the local speakers.  In addition, a number of our candidates will take the stage.     This is an event not to be missed.  For more details and to purchase tickets see:   We are only 15 days away from early Primary voting in Delaware.  We are also only 28 days away from in-person Primary voting.  There are a number of primaries in which you can vote.  I have listed them in alphabetical order.   Representative District 4: (new District)           Jeff Hilovsky Bradley Layfield       Representative District 36: Bryan Shupe (incumbent) Patrick Smith   Countywide:         Register of Wills: Greg Fuller Ellen Magee (incumbent) Candace Green Wilkenson Recorder of Deeds: Alexandra Reed Baker Scott Dailey (incumbent) County Council District 5: Keller Hopkins John Rieley (incumbent) It is important that we review the candidates and their qualifications.  Some of the questions I ask myself when making these decisions are:  What is the candidate’s experience? Is the candidate’s experience either in the same field or similar to the office they seek?  What type of person are they?   If they are to run a department, have they ever managed personnel before? Will they have the best interest of the citizens as their priority or their donors?     Within the past week or two you should have received a new voter polling place card.  Please examine it carefully.  Look at each field to be sure each is accurate.  With the redistricting, your poll location may have changed.  Review the political party listed.  I have had a couple of people who say they are Republicans who had Democrat listed as their party.  When investigating this with the Department of Elections, we found that the voter was correct and the Department of Elections had made an error.  They were quick to correct it but better to have it corrected now rather than on Election Day.   Remember, Republicans who don’t vote elect Democrats.  Let’s ride the RED WAVE together.   Marilyn Booker Chair Sussex County Republican Committee

June 2022

Greetings, Fellow Republicans! We just completed our State Convention and it was a wonderful time.  We started off the event with the awards banquet on Friday night.  I was very humbled to receive the Chairman’s Award as “Republican of the Year.”  This honor is reflective of the excellent team with whom I have the pleasure and privilege to work.  One of these is Sherry Long who very deservedly won the Peg Hood Award as the Sussex County Volunteer of the Year.  Hope Whaley won Republican of the Month for May.  Benjamin Parsons, Chair of the Sussex Teenage Republicans, was named Young Republican of the Year for Sussex County. The program included Nick Adams, author and political commentator, who spoke to the attendees.  It was very heart-warming to hear an immigrant to our country speak so lovingly and eloquently about America and its citizens.  As a bonus, Mr. Adams spoke again at the convention on Saturday. ​Joanne W. Young was our featured speaker on Saturday.  Ms. Young is an expert in election law and spoke to the assemblage about the upcoming elections and election integrity. ​After hearing from our excellent speakers, we got down to business.  Each Region Caucus heard from  and endorsed our statewide candidates.  We are very fortunate to have an excellent contestant for each of the four statewide offices in contention this year. U.S. Congress Lee Murphy is taking on Lisa Blunt Rochester for U.S. Congress.  A native Delawarean, Lee has had a multi-faceted career as a teacher, coach, railroad worker and actor.  This has given him a varied and rich perspective on life and our country.  Lee is focusing on protecting the citizens from this escalating crime and transparency in government. ​During her 3 terms, Ms. Rochester has voted almost 100% of the time with Nancy Pelosi.  I don’t believe that any Delawarean thinks we should be represented by the likes of a mini-Nancy Pelosi.  However, it appears that based on Ms. Rochester’s voting record, we are. Attorney General Julianne Murray, an experienced trial lawyer and supporter of the police, is our candidate for Attorney General.  Julianne has shown that she is not shy about taking on the status quo.  In 2020, she sued Governor Carney when he attempted to place a moratorium on short term rentals.  The case never went to trial as the Governor reversed his decree. Kathy Jennings, our current Attorney General, is the same type of progressive attorney that we are seeing liberal cities like San Francisco attempt to recall.  She ignores the sentencing guidelines in the law and is more interested in going after law enforcement than criminals. Treasurer Our candidate for Treasurer is Greg Coverdale.  He is a very impressive gentleman with outstanding credentials.  He holds an MBA from DSU and certifications in 4 different finance-related areas from the Wharton School at U Penn and the Kennedy School at Harvard.  He is currently providing financial advice to DE-based military members and their families. Greg’s opponent is Colleen Davis.  A licensed Physician’s Assistant, Ms. Davis has been anything but impressive in her role as the top money-watcher for the state.  In this position, she sits on a number of boards.  Reviewing the minutes of these meetings, it appears that Ms. Davis is not always present and if she is, her contributions to the proceedings are non-existent or minimal. State Auditor Janice Lorrah is an attorney who filed suit against Governor Carney over the mask mandates in schools.  Before the judge ruled, the Governor’s attorney announced that the mask mandates would be lifted the following day.  In addition to her law degree, Ms. Lorrah holds a certification in forensic accounting which certainly qualifies her to evaluate the government’s fiscal accountability and the performance of public programs. Her opponent, Kathleen McGuiness, is currently under indictment for five counts including felony theft and intimidation.  The Grand Jury in Kent County re-indicted McGuiness after the state’s case was re-entered in Kent County earlier this week after her attorney argued that the AG erroneously filed the original suit in New Castle County.  Those charges were dropped and re-entered in Kent County, the location of the state capitol. So, we have a very qualified slate of candidates who are running against opponents who are either not reflecting the values and needs of the citizens of Delaware or are not qualified to hold the positions they are in.  WE MUST BREAK THE ONE-PARTY RULE IN DELAWARE.  This is our year and we are in an ideal position to be able to win these seats if we volunteer for these campaigns, show up on election day, and encourage others to do the same. ​Finally, the Delaware State Republican Committee in collaboration with our Republican elected officials, candidates, and Regional Committees unveiled The Rescue Delaware Plan.  The Plan outlines major policy areas where reform is most needed.  You can find it at  Please take some time to read it.  This document is our commitment to you and all the citizens of Delaware to work toward the improvements that are necessary to RESCUE DELAWARE. Marilyn Booker, Chair Sussex County Republican Committee

​MAY 2022

Greetings, fellow Republicans, COMPLACENCY? APATHY? C-O-M-P-L-A-C-E-N-C-Y What does it mean? defines complacency as “a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.” A-P-A-T-H-Y What does it mean? Lack of interest, or concern, indifference – Merriam-Webster If you’re wondering just what this has to do with anything, let me assure you, this is not meant to be a spelling or vocabulary lesson. This is meant to be a reminder to each of us to consider what “complacency” and “apathy” mean and how these traits affect election outcomes. As an example, on November 3, 2020, I was the Representative District Chair in the 38th RD.  Sporting my hot pink “Women for Trump” tee shirt on that Election Day, I stopped at Hocker’s for gas so I would be able to make the rounds of the polling places in my district.  While I was waiting for my tank to fill, I noticed two pick-up trucks in the next bay each sporting MAGA bumper stickers.  Knowing that the owners were “friendlies” I approached the vehicle owners who were chatting with each other.  Feeling rather excited about the election, I asked them, “Have you voted yet?”  I was surprised when each of them told me that, “No,” they hadn’t voted, and they weren’t planning to do so because after all, “He’s gonna win anyway!” Well, we all know how that worked out! If you expect that the status quo will remain in place, sadly, you are mistaken.  Who would ever have thought that statues honoring our founding fathers would be desecrated and removed from the public square by far left-wing politicians?  Who would ever believe that murderers would be released without punishment back into society by progressive DA’s backed by George Soros?  Did you ever think that children would be made to feel embarrassed and shamed at school because they are white, have English as their primary language, and their parents are married?  Did you ever in your wildest nightmares think that the White House would have the effrontery to suggest a Disinformation Governance Board? First Amendment anyone? And the list goes on. Apathy and complacency among voters are the enemies of successful elections. Indifference or support of the “status quo” among voters are some of the attitudes that have lost elections in the past and have left us with the mess we are experiencing today.  Considering the state of our state and the state of the nation, are these acceptable?  I don’t know anyone who is happy, and in my heart, I know we can do better.  If we support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; if we expect that our children will receive and education and not an indoctrination; if we expect our elected officials to be accountable to “We the People;” we must participate in the political process.  Recently, one of my favorite quotes is, “If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools” Plato. Folks, it appears we are there! We are at the beginnings of the summer season. The days will be longer and warmer. Let’s prepare for a very exciting, active campaign season in which we have volunteers in every neighborhood speaking to their neighbors about our candidates, Republican values, and how these are important to our freedoms. I’m requesting that each of you take the Organized Voter Registration certification the Department of Elections offers. You can find the schedule of the online or in-person trainings here:  When you determine which class you would like to take, contact Rebecca Argo at the Department of Elections.  Her number is: (302) 739-4498. We need to be certain that every freedom-loving Delawarean is registered to vote. When you are canvassing in your Election Districts, make sure you take some Voter Registration applications with you.  Voters may register, change their party affiliations, and update any other information on this form. I am once again asking for you to volunteer.  If you’re not sure what you want to do or what volunteer opportunities are available, check out the “Volunteer Application here:  For those who are unsure of what you’d like to do, we are providing trainings and workshops.  Election District Committeeman/woman and volunteer training is available on May 3rd at 6 PM. We are repeating this session on May10th and 17th.  We will be meeting at the GOP office 131 E. Market Street in Georgetown.  If you wish to participate in one of these sessions, please register here: Finally, we are looking for volunteers to man the GOP Office.  As the election season heats up, we will need more staff to answer the phone, greet visitors, hand out candidate literature and campaign signs.  Training for this position will be 6 PM on May 4th at the GOP office.  You can register here:  Sussex GOP Office Training – Sussex GOP. Know that we have amazing opportunities in our county and country this year and we should all be excited.  We are counting on each of you to step up and take action!  VOLUNTEER! “Let’s do something small to change something big!” Marilyn Booker President

April 2022

​Greetings, What a beautiful day!  It looks as though Spring may finally be here!  Personally, I’m tired of the cold, rainy weather. I realize this monthly message is late but I wanted to give you an overview of how we did with our major fundraiser, “Don’t Be Lonesome Tonight.”  I won’t go into exact figures here. Nancy will do that at our next meeting.  However, I can tell you that we are not very far from the $16,800 figure I mentioned to you earlier this year.  You should recall that that this figure represents the amount we would need in order to provide the maximum contribution to each of our candidates.   To say that our event was successful would be a major understatement! None of the above would have been possible without the hard work of our Fundraising Committee headed by Adrienne Ponzini.  The rest of her team included Carole Andrejko, Debra Czajkowski, Liz Messick, Karen Rabik, Christina Fantino, Connie Higgins, Carolyn Grob, Sherry Long, Geri Airey, Cathy Watts, Denise Perez, and Nancy Burdette.  We even had some help from the husbands – Eddie Ponzini, Dennis Booker, Ken Andrejko.  Finally, a major shout out to George Chambers who “shook enough trees” so that the donations and auction items he got for us covered all of our expenses leaving the rest of the money collected for tickets, etc as profit. Many of our members generously donated items for the silent auction and we had two very generous donations that our friend Senator Willson auctioned off.  His contribution was the entertainment of watching him up those bids! So did everyone enjoy themselves? Absolutely! We’ve gotten rave reviews from practically everyone!  We’ve been asked to do this again every year.  Those of us who attended had an excellent time.  Even Elvis told me he and his band had a blast!  Because we are women of action, we are already thinking about next year.  So enough of that fun and down to business.  Please give some consideration to the following.  The DFRW is in need of a Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer.  They are also without a 2nd Vice President.  The position must be filled by someone from either the SCRWC or the Seaford Republican Women’s Club. The people filling these positions sit on the DFRW Board of Directions.  May each of you and your families have a blessed Easter. Marilyn Booker President  April 2022

MARCH 2022

Greetings Fellow Republicans:


Since the 2020 Election, many Delaware voters have asked what the Republican Party is doing to ascertain whether any irregularities took place here, and, more importantly, what the Party is doing to make sure that no irregularities take place in future elections. Two weeks ago, Republican Party Chair Jane Brady addressed these very questions during one of her information-packed Call-to-Action zoom calls. I wanted to take this opportunity to share the information she imparted, especially for those who may have missed this important session.


Chair Brady has been working on election integrity issues since 2019.  While she and her team have found no definitive proof of some of the more egregious activities that have been making headlines in other states, she did uncover several gaps and issues surrounding voting integrity that should be addressed here in Delaware.  What follows is a summary both of what has been done and what is ongoing to address these and to mitigate concerns about upcoming elections. The action items she discussed can be broken out into five categories, and for many of these initiatives we need your involvement to help get them to the finish line.


 1.    Legislative efforts    

Voter ID—in-person voting.  Delaware does not have a voter ID law.  Even though voters are asked for  their ID at polling stations, it is in fact not required by law, though we think it should be. Republicans  have therefore proposed a bill, HB 187 to address this.  The bill would require voters to fill out a provisional ballot if ID is not shown.

Action:  Thank Republican legislators for proposing this law. 

Note:  You can find all the relevant contact information for legislators here.

 Voter ID—absentee ballots. Republican legislators have also introduced a bill to require ID for absentee  ballots, HB 189. This bill is currently stuck in the House Administration Committee.  

Action:  Write to members of this committee to have it released for a vote.

Fraudulent voting.  After investigation, some fraudulent votes have indeed been found in Delaware.  That said, Chair Brady can’t corroborate specific Patriots for Delaware claims of nursing home fraud or dead people  voting, as these data have not been shared. Regardless, Republican legislators have proposed a bill that would make it a felony to vote when you’re not entitled to do so in an election: HB 188.  This bill is currently stuck in the House Administration Committee.

Action: Write to members of this committee to have it released for a vote. 

2.  Voter roll cleanup efforts  

In random samplings of voter roll data, Chair Brady found several anomalies.  She believes that up to 12-15% of the DE voter rolls are inaccurate.  Inaccurate voter rolls violate the strict requirements set forth in the Federal Voting Rights Act and in the Constitution.  To fix this, Republicans proposed Senate Concurrent Resolution 47, which advocated for the creation of a Registered Voter List Improvement Task group, which would have looked at ways to  clean people from our lists.  Unfortunately, this was defeated. 

Action: Chair Brady is currently stepping up her efforts to work directly with the Department of Elections remedy the issue.


3.  Redistricting issues. 

 The law says that when redistricting occurs there is a threshold of + or – 5% of the population in a District.  Because the Democrats are in the majority, they get to set the new districts for both the House and the Senate. The result is that district populations are roughly 5% higher for Republicans and 5% lower for Democrats.  This means that Republican legislators represent larger groups of  voters than do Democrat legislators, which is not ideal. In an effort to even the scales, Republicans introduced bill HB  236, which proposes a fresh approach to reapportionment. This approach is described in a paper by three Carnegie Mellon University professors entitled: “A Partisan Districting Protocol with Provably Nonpartisan Outcomes.” This bill is waiting for a committee hearing.


4.  Court remedies

Jane Brady, in her capacity as a citizen and lawyer (not in her capacity as DE GOP Chair) has filed a lawsuit  challenging early voting and permanent absentee ballot laws in Delaware. Her springboard is the DE Constitution and Title 15, which dictates clear rules for early voting and absentee ballots, which current laws, she argues, are clearly violating.  

5.    Grass roots efforts—increasing volunteer poll workers/challengers. 

For 2022, the DE GOP must take an all hands-on-deck approach to the voting process.  We need all  concerned citizens to volunteer as poll checker/challengers to serve as the eyes and ears of the party on the ground.  We will be providing training to volunteers later in the year so that, on the day of the election, they will be ready to communicate issues in real time across all DE polling locations. The Party will also have a team of attorneys trained and able to give guidance to these volunteers  and party members on voting issues at the polls. 

Action:  Volunteer to be a Checker/Challenger to observe the processes at polling places and report any irregularities. Contact: to volunteer.



Marilyn Booker


February 2022

GREETINGS Fellow Republicans, So here we are in the middle of the winter doldrums. We’ve had much more snow than I like and it’s COLD! However, the snow will soon be gone, the temperatures will soon rise, and we will soon shed our long underwear for shorts! I’m very excited about the potential we have here in beautiful Sussex County during the mid-term election. We have a new Representative District (RD4) which was relocated down here from blue New Castle. It was held by a disgraced Democrat who had to resign due to a couple of little shop-lifting incidents. This means that we get to elect a Republican and add another member to the House caucus while subtracting a Democrat from the other side. We get to narrow the margin! That a sensational opportunity! We will have some work to do to make certain that we hold on to the Senate seat SD 6 as Senator Lopez is not seeking re-election. With the right tactics and enthusiasm, I’m certain we will prevail. We have scheduled a Volunteer Orientation for February 26, 2022 at Old Paths Church of Christ in Georgetown.  At 1:00 we will gather to discuss the structure of the Delaware Republican Party and the various opportunities to volunteer to assist us in reaching our goals. Please RSVP by February 23rd to I look forward to seeing each of you there. It’s going to be a fun and informative meeting. Marilyn Booker President February 2022

December 2021/ January 2022


The Sussex County Republican Women’s Club has had a very busy and successful year.

  • The SCRWC qualified for a Diamond Award again this year,


  • Supported Wreaths Across America by purchasing 3 wreaths to be laid at the Veterans’ Cemetery in Millsboro during the service in December.

  • We donated a “Heroes’ Flag” which was placed at the Georgetown Circle for Memorial Day in recognition our member Gale White who served a as a nurse in the U.S. Air Force. 

  • Paid tribute to our member veterans at our November luncheon meeting.  Veterans Senator Bryant Richardson and candidate for Register of Wills in Sussex County, Greg Fuller participated as well as 9 of our members.  Four of these were our Voting Members and 7 were Associate Members. Each was asked to name which branch of the service they were in; their dates of service; where they were stationed and what their jobs were. 

  • We donated money to the Salvation Army for their Christmas Stocking project. 

  • We donated items requested to Home of the Brave.


  • On February 4th, we donated Webster’s Dictionaries and Spanish/English Dictionaries to 204 3RD graders at Laurel Elementary. Each received an English Dictionary and 70 of those also received a Spanish/English Dictionary to assist with translation. The SCRWC Dictionary Project Delivery team was Carole Andrejko, Lisa Briggs, Priscilla Clark, and Gale White.


  • We added a feature to our website to include a message each month that addresses some issue effecting Delaware and/or Sussex County.  To date we have addressed government overreach with mandates, Constitution Day, CRT and the Heritage Action for America Panel Discussion.  Our November message discussed the decennial redistricting process and how Sussex was treated unfairly with the Senate reapportionment.


  • Although we were unable to have the large fundraiser we were planning, we were still able to raise some money with “mini-auctions” and raffles at our meetings.  We have rescheduled our “Don’t Be Lonesome Tonight” Elvis party for April, 2022.


  • We initiated a Legislative Committee this year.  Their mission is to follow legislation and notify our members of the hot button legislative issues, encouraging them to make their voices heard either in opposition or in favor.  This group has also been attempting to consult with our Republican caucus to address the issues with which they believe they need assistance.  The committee members have made phone calls, written emails and letters to local papers, our U.S. Senators and Congresswoman, and the General Assembly.



  •  Between November 1, 2020 and October 31, 2021, we have grown our membership by 6%.  As of November 1, 2020 we had 91 members and 33 associates.  Between that date and December 8th, grew our membership to 101 members and 26 associates. 

  • We held a very successful Club Orientation with the Seaford Club in March of this year.  


  • We have welcomed Julianne Murray to speak on Election Integrity, Mary McCrossan to describe the latest initiatives by the RNC, and Jane Brady who spoke to the Redistricting process.  Michael Vincent, President of the Sussex County Council, spoke about Sussex County issues and Rob Crocker, DE GOP Field Director, explained the Neighborhood Team Leader Program.  Anthony Delcollo, the Legal Counsel to the Republican Senate Caucus, described the reapportionment process to the membership and returned this month to explain how we in Sussex County were disenfranchised by the proposed Senate redistricting map.


  • We granted scholarships to two young conservative women and hosted them and their parents at our June meeting.  Our 1st place recipient received $2500 and 2nd place got $1500.  We were unable to have our usual December silent auction due to the pandemic.  We reached out to some party members for donations as well as had “mini-auctions” at each meeting to raise the money we needed.  The Scholarship Auction we held on December 8th was very successful.  We will find out how much we made at the January.


  • Our website has been updated and enhanced.  We have taken the development and maintenance in-house and now we are able to add functions that we haven’t had in the past.  We are showing pictures of our events and updating them frequently.  Our Web Administrator, Carolyn Grob has learned design by reviewing the websites of some of our sister federated clubs across the country.  We were fortunate enough to have some assistance from a friend of Senator Pettyjohn.  Carolyn has put our membership application on the website so prospective members can complete it online, print it and pay their dues by credit card online.


In 2022, we plan to continue the programs/projects we began and enhance them as we can.

  • Achievement Awards – Earn a Diamond Award from the NFRW again. 

  • Americanism Caring for America – We will participate in each of the events from last year and look for others to include this year. 

  • Literacy – Dictionary Project – we have budgeted for this expense again.  In addition, as part of MELP, we will investigate purchasing Children’s books that promote civics and the Constitution to donate to a group on need.     We will continue to post a President’s monthly message addressing current topics on our website. 

  • Our Fundraiser in April is going to be huge.  There will be lots of silent auction items and raffles.  Bob Lougheed’s Elvis impersonation is excellent and we hope to raise enough money to be able to contribute the maximum allowable amount to candidates as we have in the past.

  • We are making inroads with our caucus.  Last year we spent a lot of time asking what we could do to support their efforts in Dover.  Recently, we are being asked by them to write letters to address important issues.  In the coming year we will make certain that they are aware that we can muster people to testify in Dover when they need us to.   We are receiving applications for new members on our website and the traffic has picked up immensely.  We have a goal of increasing our membership by 20% this year.  

  • We are co-hosting another Member Orientation with the Seaford Republican Women’s Club on January 22nd.  

  • Our treasurer, Nancy Burdette and Web Administrator, Carolyn Grob are working to be able to take reservations for meetings. 

  • We will be working with the Sussex County Republican Committee to co-sponsor a debate between Chuck Welch and Julianne Murray in March or April.  In addition, we will host candidates who wish to speak to our members at our meetings. 

  • We will offer scholarships as we have in the past.  We will continue to fund these with money we collect in the Red Cups at our meetings and the Silent Auction we will hold again in December.


They cheated, they lied, and they just weren’t fair This is not the opening line of a country song.  Instead, it’s the way that the Delaware Senate Democrats handled the reapportionment of senate seats and how they cheated Sussex County.  To be clear, this is not a Democrat or a Republican issue.  This is a Sussex County issue and should be of interest to Democrats, Republicans, Independents and anyone who lives in the southern part of our state.  So, here’s what was supposed to have happened.  When the party in the majority reviews the census numbers to determine at how seats will be allocated, there are 4 tenets they are to consider: The district must be formed of contiguous territory Be nearly equal in population Be bounded by major roads, streams or other natural boundaries Not be created so as to unduly favor any person or political party The new configuration of the senate seats meets criteria 1 and 3.  However, criteria 2 and 4 were ignored. Be nearly equal in population The range of the population runs from 44,817 or 4.91% below the mean in Senator Darius Brown’s district to 49,173 or 4.35% above the mean in Senator Bryant Richardson’s district.  That’s a swing of 4,356 people or 9.26%.  8 of the 14 Democrat seats are below the population mean. Every one of the 7 seats held by Republicans is over the population mean. Not be created so as to unduly favor any person or political party Of the 21 Senators in Delaware’s General Assembly, 14 seats are held by Democrats and the balance by Republicans.  Anyone who is paying attention knows that the surge in population that Delaware is experiencing is taking place in the South.  However, the Senate Democrats did nothing to address this.  None of the seats in New Castle County, the Democrat stronghold, were restructured.  If you thought that these elected officials sought office to serve you, sadly you were wrong.  These antics illustrate that holding onto their incumbent seats in New Castle was the primary concern and equity and adhering to the principles of reapportionment was not a consideration.  They did everything they could to avoid having the Democrat Senators in New Castle primary each other.  This is clearly an attempt to favor the Democrat party and maintain power.  The way this was done is in direct opposition to this principle. By tainting the process, the citizens of Sussex County will be underrepresented in the Senate in Dover.  If one looks at the number of building permits that have been issued in Sussex, it is clear that this imbalance will only get worse. It is time to pushback on this egregious power grab.  I am asking you to take a stand and protect Sussex County citizens from unequal representation in the Senate.  We need constituents to voice their concerns.  Send your name and contact information to  Put Senate Redistricting in the subject line.  We will be in touch in the next couple of weeks with more information on how you can help stop this outrageous power grab by Senate Democrats. ​Marilyn Booker President November 2021


MANDATES FOR WE THE PEOPLE? ​ A mandate here, a mandate there! Mandates!  Aren’t we all tired of them?  You must close your restaurant, barber shop/hair salon! You may not go into your office! You may not attend school in person!  You must wear a mask!  You must stay six feet apart from anyone outside of your household!  You must quarantine for 14 days if you go across state lines!  You must comply with contact tracing! ​Each of these was promulgated by various government agencies with the notion of keeping us safe during the height of the pandemic.  For the most-part, we all complied because we were frightened of catching or passing COVID-19 along to our loved ones.  In addition, the death count was frightening.   Now we have a vaccine that is very effective and when it became available, many of us were chomping at the bit to get it – particularly those of us older than 65 as we are the most vulnerable according to the stats. Let me get one issue out of the way right away – I am not an “anti-vaxxer.”  However, I believe to take or not to take the vaccine is a personal decision and should be respected by us all.  There are a number of very valid reasons some are hesitant.  In the Fall of 2020, the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Democrat candidates announced that they believe in science and researchers but didn’t trust any vaccine that was promoted by Donald Trump!  Were dumber words ever spoken?  The press and many social media influencers also denigrated the “Trump vaccine.”   Now, with Biden in the White House, miraculously the vaccines have become safe and effective.  Who knew? ​Some feel that the mRNA vaccines were developed with technology that was too new for them to be comfortable with taking it as these were the first vaccines developed in this manner.  Considering the rapidity with which the vaccine came to market I can understand this hesitancy even though I don’t agree.   Others are concerned that taking the vaccine with their pre-existing conditions may exacerbate these underlying diseases and consequently cause other medical issues. A very valid point since we get new data almost daily, although none of this is from research performed in the U.S. Israel leads in this important endeavor.  I know of one young man who is HIV positive and after a conversation with his physician was advised not to get the vaccine.  He is a college student and his college is requiring him to give very explicit details for why he has a medical exemption.  Why should he have to disclose his HIV status to strangers?  What ever happened to HIPPA?  ​In addition, there are those who are nursing mothers, those who are undergoing in vitro fertilization treatments, those receiving chemotherapy treatments, and some are opposed due to religious beliefs – a 1st Amendment issue. These are all valid concerns to these people. There are many other reasons that intelligent, reasonable people refused to get the “jab.”  But now we have the Federal Government mandating (there’s that word again!) that everyone aged 5 and above receive the vaccine.  This, from an administration that says they “follow the science” but refuses to consider those who have had and recovered from COVID as having immunity at all when in fact their immunity is far better and lasts longer than that achieved by taking the vaccine.  Is the impetus concern or control? An additional issue that should be of concern to all of us is the lack of adherence to the Constitution.  The 10th Amendment states that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”  Vaccine mandates are not delegated to the United States by the Constitution.  If states choose to mandate vaccinations, they have that right, although I don’t agree with this type of mandate no matter where it comes from.  As the Biden administration continues to intimidate employers with more than 100 employees with fines, be prepared for challenges that will likely go to the Supreme Court. Beware! That sucking sound you hear are your personal freedoms being yanked away. Marilyn Booker President October 2021

September 2021

Welcome to September!  Schools are opening and our young neighbors are returning to school after a rather dicey two years.  There is a feeling of new beginnings in the air.   There is also a tremendous sadness as we remember the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 strikes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.  Those of us who were around then will never forget where we were and what we were doing when our nation was attacked by terrorists.  We should not and shall not ever forget! September also marks one of my favorite patriotic holidays – Constitution Day.  September 17, 1787 marks the day that 36 patriots, who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, signed the document that became the Constitution of the United States of America.  As the first state to ratify this important founding document, we in Delaware have a special relationship with our country’s governing documents.  Because we are the First State, we also have a special responsibility to defend our Constitution as it is the roadmap for our democratic republic.  September 17th is also known as Citizenship Day when we reflect on what it means to be a citizen of the greatest country on the planet.  Notice I didn’t say a perfect country, for we are not.  As a nation, just like as human beings, we continue to be works in progress.  We contemplate the rights and responsibilities that we as citizens have.  We celebrate our naturalized brothers and sisters who have adopted our country by choice and not just by the happenstance of birth. I encourage you to celebrate the Constitution and your citizenship!  Explain the importance of this holiday to your children and grandchildren.  Fly our emblem, the Flag, proudly that day.  Publicly and unapologetically be one of “We the People!” I realize it sounds weird, but sometimes, there is an interesting wisdom to be found on tee shirts.  My friend has one that says, “The U.S. Constitution.  It doesn’t need to be rewritten; just reread!”  Take some time to reread the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  You will be filled with an overwhelming feeling of pride. You can celebrate with some of your fellow Republicans at the Delaware GOP Constitution Day event on September 17th.  Tickets are $50 each. This is going to be a fun evening with dinner, games, prizes and a cash bar. The event will be held at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover, Delaware.  The cost is $50.00 per person. The event will start at 5:30 with cocktails; dinner is at 6:15. Sponsorships are available by calling the GOP office at 302-668-1954. The featured speaker for this event is Amy Swearer, a Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, where her areas of scholarship include Second Amendment, overcriminalization, originalism, and mental health policy. Marilyn Booker President September 2021

August 2021

August 2021 Greetings! We are two-thirds of the way through the summer.  This means that children will be returning to school soon – we think?  or should that be hope?  Hopefully this year will be far different from last and all of the children will be present in class every day and not wearing masks.  I certainly don’t blame parents for having this as a concern as the school year approaches.  However, there is another issue that parents should find disconcerting.  I’m talking about Critical Race Theory. On July 29th, Heritage Action for America sponsored a panel discussion about Critical Race Theory.  The discussion addressed CRT in our schools, the military and the workplace.  To provide background and context for this damaging ideology, Jonathan Butcher, a scholar and writer for Heritage, described the history of Critical Race Theory and how it has evolved over the decades.  The panel consisted of parents, a West Point graduate and veteran as well as an employment and labor attorney.  One of the panelists, Xi Van Fleet, drew on her first hand knowledge of how a country can be transformed to an authoritarian nation.  Ms. Van Fleet lived through the cultural revolution in China and was able to outline parallels between what Mao and his loyalists did in China to what we are seeing in our country today. You may hear that Delaware schools are NOT teaching Critical Race Theory.  As usual, the Left is excellent at euphemisms.  If you hear double talk such as “transitional transformative social education;” “social justice;” “culturally relevant teaching;” or “equity” know that  the speaker is talking about Critical Race Theory.  With the passage of HB 198, the General Assembly involved themselves in public school curricula – a very unusual undertaking by elected officials.  This legislation amends the Delaware code to require every public and charter school to establish and implement a curriculum of Black History for grades K – 12.  This law is a the Left’s way of getting Critical Race Theory into the curriculum of our schools without being naming what it is.  Certainly we should all know and understand black history and how this population has enriched our country.  We should also know and understand Asian history and Irish history and Italian history.  In fact every ethnic group has contributed to the story that is the United States.  Our diversity is part and parcel to our success as a nation. If you were unable to attend or live-stream the panel discussion the other night, the link below will take you to a recording of the event.  Please share it with anyone who may be interested in what our children are being taught and in particular, parents of school-aged children. Enjoy the rest of the Summer. Marilyn Booker President August 2021