December 2021/ January 2022


The Sussex County Republican Women’s Club has had a very busy and successful year.

  • The SCRWC qualified for a Diamond Award again this year,


  • Supported Wreaths Across America by purchasing 3 wreaths to be laid at the Veterans’ Cemetery in Millsboro during the service in December.

  • We donated a “Heroes’ Flag” which was placed at the Georgetown Circle for Memorial Day in recognition our member Gale White who served a as a nurse in the U.S. Air Force. 

  • Paid tribute to our member veterans at our November luncheon meeting.  Veterans Senator Bryant Richardson and candidate for Register of Wills in Sussex County, Greg Fuller participated as well as 9 of our members.  Four of these were our Voting Members and 7 were Associate Members. Each was asked to name which branch of the service they were in; their dates of service; where they were stationed and what their jobs were. 

  • We donated money to the Salvation Army for their Christmas Stocking project. 

  • We donated items requested to Home of the Brave.


  • On February 4th, we donated Webster’s Dictionaries and Spanish/English Dictionaries to 204 3RD graders at Laurel Elementary. Each received an English Dictionary and 70 of those also received a Spanish/English Dictionary to assist with translation. The SCRWC Dictionary Project Delivery team was Carole Andrejko, Lisa Briggs, Priscilla Clark, and Gale White.


  • We added a feature to our website to include a message each month that addresses some issue effecting Delaware and/or Sussex County.  To date we have addressed government overreach with mandates, Constitution Day, CRT and the Heritage Action for America Panel Discussion.  Our November message discussed the decennial redistricting process and how Sussex was treated unfairly with the Senate reapportionment.


  • Although we were unable to have the large fundraiser we were planning, we were still able to raise some money with “mini-auctions” and raffles at our meetings.  We have rescheduled our “Don’t Be Lonesome Tonight” Elvis party for April, 2022.


  • We initiated a Legislative Committee this year.  Their mission is to follow legislation and notify our members of the hot button legislative issues, encouraging them to make their voices heard either in opposition or in favor.  This group has also been attempting to consult with our Republican caucus to address the issues with which they believe they need assistance.  The committee members have made phone calls, written emails and letters to local papers, our U.S. Senators and Congresswoman, and the General Assembly.



  •  Between November 1, 2020 and October 31, 2021, we have grown our membership by 6%.  As of November 1, 2020 we had 91 members and 33 associates.  Between that date and December 8th, grew our membership to 101 members and 26 associates. 

  • We held a very successful Club Orientation with the Seaford Club in March of this year.  


  • We have welcomed Julianne Murray to speak on Election Integrity, Mary McCrossan to describe the latest initiatives by the RNC, and Jane Brady who spoke to the Redistricting process.  Michael Vincent, President of the Sussex County Council, spoke about Sussex County issues and Rob Crocker, DE GOP Field Director, explained the Neighborhood Team Leader Program.  Anthony Delcollo, the Legal Counsel to the Republican Senate Caucus, described the reapportionment process to the membership and returned this month to explain how we in Sussex County were disenfranchised by the proposed Senate redistricting map.


  • We granted scholarships to two young conservative women and hosted them and their parents at our June meeting.  Our 1st place recipient received $2500 and 2nd place got $1500.  We were unable to have our usual December silent auction due to the pandemic.  We reached out to some party members for donations as well as had “mini-auctions” at each meeting to raise the money we needed.  The Scholarship Auction we held on December 8th was very successful.  We will find out how much we made at the January.


  • Our website has been updated and enhanced.  We have taken the development and maintenance in-house and now we are able to add functions that we haven’t had in the past.  We are showing pictures of our events and updating them frequently.  Our Web Administrator, Carolyn Grob has learned design by reviewing the websites of some of our sister federated clubs across the country.  We were fortunate enough to have some assistance from a friend of Senator Pettyjohn.  Carolyn has put our membership application on the website so prospective members can complete it online, print it and pay their dues by credit card online.


In 2022, we plan to continue the programs/projects we began and enhance them as we can.

  • Achievement Awards – Earn a Diamond Award from the NFRW again. 

  • Americanism Caring for America – We will participate in each of the events from last year and look for others to include this year. 

  • Literacy – Dictionary Project – we have budgeted for this expense again.  In addition, as part of MELP, we will investigate purchasing Children’s books that promote civics and the Constitution to donate to a group on need.     We will continue to post a President’s monthly message addressing current topics on our website. 

  • Our Fundraiser in April is going to be huge.  There will be lots of silent auction items and raffles.  Bob Lougheed’s Elvis impersonation is excellent and we hope to raise enough money to be able to contribute the maximum allowable amount to candidates as we have in the past.

  • We are making inroads with our caucus.  Last year we spent a lot of time asking what we could do to support their efforts in Dover.  Recently, we are being asked by them to write letters to address important issues.  In the coming year we will make certain that they are aware that we can muster people to testify in Dover when they need us to.   We are receiving applications for new members on our website and the traffic has picked up immensely.  We have a goal of increasing our membership by 20% this year.  

  • We are co-hosting another Member Orientation with the Seaford Republican Women’s Club on January 22nd.  

  • Our treasurer, Nancy Burdette and Web Administrator, Carolyn Grob are working to be able to take reservations for meetings. 

  • We will be working with the Sussex County Republican Committee to co-sponsor a debate between Chuck Welch and Julianne Murray in March or April.  In addition, we will host candidates who wish to speak to our members at our meetings. 

  • We will offer scholarships as we have in the past.  We will continue to fund these with money we collect in the Red Cups at our meetings and the Silent Auction we will hold again in December.