
2024 Monthly Messages from Marilyn

August 2024

August 3, 2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,

I hope you’re having a pleasant, albeit hot summer.

It has been a very strange last couple of weeks to say the least. There was an assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential candidate and the Secret Service has not provided any explanation of how or why this outrageous breach of security occurred. The current Democrat President and 2024 candidate was forced by members of his own party to remove his name from contention and drop out of the 2024 race in favor of his far-left Vice President who’s only qualifications are her race and gender if you go along with that nonsense. When the President spoke to the nation from the Oval Office, he never explained why he “dropped out” after weeks of telling everyone that he was in it to win it!

The Paris Olympics got off to a sacrilegious start with explanations for the affront almost as ridiculous as the exhibition itself. In addition, biologic men are beating up on biologic women in the boxing competitions. The International Olympic Committee’s justification for this debacle is a definite head-scratcher. There was no word from the White House or their newly anointed Presidential candidate about these “Woke” displays. In fact ,our First Lady is there saying everything was wonderful.

The beaches in Nantucket were closed due to the collapse of a 351-foot -long fiberglass blade that left dangerous shards of fiberglass washing up on the shore. The blade was part of an offshore windmill just like those Governor Carney wants to put in the waters off the beaches here in Sussex County. All those associated with the Vineyard Wind Project are scurrying around to determine the cause and who’s to blame.

If these examples of the most recent chaos perpetrated by those currently running our state and the country don’t convince conservatives that they must vote, I can’t think of anything that will.  We must help to “Get Out the Vote!” As I’ve said many times before, we are supposed to be a club of activists. So, here’s the call to action: send an email to and put PHONE CALLS in the subject line if you are able and willing to make some phone calls reminding Republicans to vote. You will receive a list of about 25 names with phone numbers and a script to use when you make the calls.

Here’s the rundown of what is happening locally with the Republican Primary Elections. Primary Election Day is September 10th but Primary Election “season” begins August 28th with Early Voting.

U.S. House – Kent RWC member, Donyale Hall vs. John J. Whalen

Governor, – SCRWC member, Mike Ramone vs. Jerrold Price vs Bobby Williamson

Senate District 18 –Dave Wilson vs. Robert “Bob” Reed

Representative District 36 – Bryan Shupe vs. Patrick Smith

County Council District 1 – Mike Vincent vs. Christie Shirey vs. Matt Lloyd

County Council District 2 – SCRWC member, Steve McCarron vs. Cindy Green

The Sussex County locations for Early Voting are:

  • American Legion Post 28 Millsboro, 31768 Legion Rd., Millsboro, DE 19966

  • Department of Elections Warehouse, Georgetown, 542 S. Bedford St., Georgetown, DE 19947

  • Department of Elections Warehouse, Seaford, 200 Allen St., Seaford, DE 19973

  • Ellendale Fire Hall, 302 Main St., Ellendale, DE 19941

  • Laurel Fire Hall, 205 W. 10th St., Laurel, DE 19956

  • Margaret H. Rollins Community Center, 101 Adams Ave., Lewes, DE 19958

  • Millville Community Center, 32517 Dukes Dr., Millville, DE 19967

  • Roxana Fire Hall, 35943 Zion Church Rd., Frankford, DE 19945

Finally, there are a few debates and candidate forums you should consider watching. They are virtual so no need to drive anywhere in the summer traffic.

August 14th at 7 PM, there will be a Primary Debate among the Democrat and Republican candidates for Delaware Governor. You can view this on You Tube at:

August 27th at 7 PM, there will be a Primary Debate among the Democrat and Republican U.S. House Candidates on You Tube. Here’s the link:

It’s time to get busy. We need to help change the course of Delaware and the country. We can do it if we are focused and work together.

See you in September.


July 2024

July 1, 2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,

As we approach Independence Day and celebrate our freedoms, I wanted to mention a major ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that will likely affect each of us in some way going forward.  

As we all learned in civics classes, the Founders designed a representative government in which we elect people to represent our interests.  Sadly, in 1984, activist judges did not show restraint when interpreting the law based on the Constitution, precedent or originalism.  Instead, they just fabricated laws as it suited them.  Kind of like children making it up as they go along.  The Chevron deference grew out of this era.  Since then, Federal agencies have decided what powers they have without oversight by Congress or the courts.  This has led to explosion of rules and regulations.

Essentially, during this period, we have not been living under a representative government mostly because our elected representatives are not the ones making the laws by which we live.  Instead, the agencies, all composed of unelected bureaucrats, are imposing their wills on us.

This past week the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision, vacated the Chevron deference.  The suit was brought by three fisheries in a complaint against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The agency generated a new requirement that fishing companies must hire someone to act as a monitor on their vessels.  This regulation would cost the fishing companies up to $700 per day! This fee sometimes exceeds their profits.

As you consider the freedoms our Founding Fathers ensured us through our Constitution, think about this decision and how it will reign in the mandates imposed upon us by unelected people whose primary interest is maintaining the bureaucracy and not necessarily serving “We the People.”


While you are celebrating this Independence Day and enjoying time with family and friends, remember how the Founders envisioned our government to be.  They were brave and creative. We must always remember these courageous men and thin of them with reverence and strive to maintain their vision.

Consider the words of Peter Marshall, “May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”

Have a wonderful and safe summer.  We look forward to seeing you at our September 25th meeting.  


June 2024

June 14, 2024

Good afternoon SCRWC members and associates,

Ruth Briggs King, our long-time member and previous Representative of RD 37, formally announced her candidacy for Lt Governor today!  Some of you were able to attend her event at the old Georgetown Courthouse.  For those of you who we unable to attend, please see some of the pictures that Diana Robertson and Sherry Long were kind enough to share. 

I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to put our full support behind Ruth.  That means phone-banking, door-knocking, inviting neighbor for coffees or cocktail parties, and making donations.  You can make a contribution or volunteer to Ruth’s campaign here:

No amount is too small.  Considering the outstanding job she did when representing the 37th district, I am certain we can expect that same level of excellence from Ruth as the Delaware Lt, Governor.  

Unlike other states, the Governor and Lt. Governor do not run as a ticket in Delaware.  But we have a wonderful duo in Mike Ramone for Governor and Ruth for Lt. Governor,  This is truly a dream team!

In addition, we must take back SD 6, RD 20, and capture RD 14.  We have superb candidates in Kim Hoey Stevenson (SD 6), Nikki Miller (RD 20), and Mike Simpler (RD 14).  We must also be certain we hold on to the seats we have!  

So, let’s get this done!  Our club should and must play a very important and relevant role in this election.  The future of Delaware requires it!.



Ruth Briggs King’s Campaign Announcement for Lt. Governor in Dover at 12 Noon on June 14th

Ruth Briggs King announced her campaign for Lt Governor on Flag Day.

Sen. Eric Buckson introduced Ruth Briggs King.

Sen. Eric Buckson and Ruth Briggs King, Candidate for Lt. Governor.

 Ruth Briggs King, Candidate for Lt. Governor, addresses supporters.

Ruth Briggs King’s Campaign Announcement for Lt. Governor at 2 PM in Georgetown on June 14th

June 5, 2024

Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,


Our SCRWC member, Ruth Briggs King will be making her formal announcement for Lt. Governor on June 14th.  Ruth will be making her announcement in each county according to the following schedule:


  • 10 AM in the Old Court House in New Castle County

  • 12 PM on the steps of Legislative Hall in Dover

  •  2 PM at the Old Court House in Georgetown


Please make every effort to attend Ruth’s announcement in Georgetown.  Ruth is a long-time member of the SCRWC and we need to show her our support.




June 3, 2024


Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,


As President of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club, and in conjunction with our Board of Directors, I feel compelled and responsible to alert our membership and others to some of the divisive and unwarranted attacks aimed at the Republican endorsed candidate for governor, Mike Ramone. 


It appears that some of this hostility is rooted in Mike’s vote for HB 110, the bill that mandates any health insurer doing business in Delaware provide coverage for abortions.


We were privileged to have Mike speak to our membership at our May meeting.  As part of his remarks, Mike explained the reason for his vote on this bill.  Simply put, Mike was voting the way those who elected him wanted him to.  He has represented this blue district for 16 years because they trust him to represent their voices.


Second, some are quoting the Constitution as they denigrate Mike for having voted for HB110.  Know that we as a club are 100% pro-life and are certainly not happy with this vote.  However, we are reminded of the first three words of the preamble to the Constitution, “WE THE PEOPLE.”  This means that in a Democratic Republic, we can elect representatives who will represent us, their constituents.  This does not mean that our Representatives must/should vote their party.  The preamble to the Constitution does not state “We the Party!”


Sadly, there seems to be mistaken belief that there should be a “purity test” when we are asked to support Republican candidates.  Words like “RINO” and “Establishment” are thrown around as though they were curse words.  You also hear things like, “And this is why we always lose!”  Most of the people who act as though they have the recipe for the secret sauce that will guarantee wins, have been involved in Delaware Republican politics for a very long time.  I would remind them that the Democrats have run this state for decades.  How is it that these experienced politicos believe that denigrating a Republican candidate for Governor is going to change that dynamic?


Now is the time for us to come together.  There should be no more airing of “dirty laundry” in public.  If we don’t stop pointing fingers, this divisiveness will surely be the reason we will lose in 2024.  It may make some feel virtuous at the time but that is selfish and certainly will not fix what ails Delaware.  Purity tests have no place in this or any election.  Remember what Ronald Reagan said, “Half a loaf is better than no loaf.” 


Marilyn Booker, President

Carole Andrejko, 1st Vice President

Adrienne Ponzini, 2nd Vice President

Elizabeth Bridgeman, Treasurer

Marie Ziobro, Ass’t. Treasurer

Lucy Wilcox, Recording Secretary

Diana Robertson, Corresponding Secretary

Patricia Woodring, Parliamentarian

Hope Whaley, Scholarship Chair

Gale White, Scholarship Committee


June 1,  2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,


On Friday we received a first-hand example of how easily our God-given rights can be exploited and denied by a far-left leaning administration that unapologetically uses the Judicial System to prosecute their political opponents.  Whether you are a President Trump supporter or detractor, the actions of the New York District Attorney, Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan are outrageous and harmful.  In a Banana Republic-style action they have undermined one of the most basic canons of our Democracy.


Anyone with any common sense realizes that this “trial” and the “charges” were a sham and a disgrace to our Judicial system.  This weaponization of one of the most important tenets of our Democracy is nothing more than the politization of Lady Justice and this should frighten us all.  Rather than cower in the corner, ringing our hands and shaking our heads, it is time for us to get active and motivated.  There is no time or room for apathy.  We must get out the vote and rally around our candidates, Federal and local.  I, like others, get very tired of hearing how “this election is the most important in our lifetime.”  However, after four years of the Biden-Harris administration, I may have to change my view of just how consequential this election will be.  Another four years of the Biden-Harris administration and we will not recognize our country.


Let’s make a commitment to work together to take back our country and our state.  We cannot allow a travesty like this to occur again.



May 2024

May 27, 2024


Greetings SCRWC members and associates, 


I’m writing on this Memorial Day to let you know about a series of Webinars sponsored by the RNC  that are geared toward volunteers. The first of these is called, “Protect Your Vote.”  The event is taking place on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM.  Use the link below to register.  You will be sent a link before the event.


Say a prayer for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.




May 4, 2024


Greetings SCRWC members and associates,


Please see the attached agenda for the DFRW Legislative Day at Leg Hall in Dover.  This year’s event is being sponsored by our Senate Caucus.  I have always enjoyed this outing which includes a tour of the State Legislative Hall, a beautiful example of the Colonial Revival style, by a very knowledgeable docent.  I’ve attended this event a number of times and I always learn something new,


We will also be treated to lunch by the Republican Senate Caucus.


Please wear something red for our traditional picture on the East Steps.  No political badges allowed but our garb should let everyone know the Republican women are in the house!


I look forward to seeing everyone there.  As the largest Republican Women’s Club in Delaware, we need to make a good showing.  I assure you this is a lovely time and you won’t be disappointed.


If you are planning to join us at the DFRW Legislative Day on May 14th, please RSVP to me –

Let me know if you have any questions.




DFRW Visit Schedule 05142024.pdf

DFRW Visit Schedule 05142024


May 1, 2024


Sometimes, as I look at the legislative landscape of Delaware I feel as though I’ve gone through the “Looking Glass.”  Up is down and down is up.  As long as the General Assembly is in session in Dover, things keep getting “curiouser and curiouser.”


Within a week of passing HB 350 the House Appropriations Committee discussed expanding Medicaid to include abortion services and provide healthcare coverage to those who entered our country illegally. In case you missed it, HB 350 is the bill that puts the state government in the C-suite of every hospital in Delaware and allows a politically appointed commission to override hospital Boards of Directors as they execute their fiduciary responsibilities.  As an aside, despite the stated concern for the state’s budget, this new Commission will add bureaucracy costing close to an additional $700,000 per annum. At the same time lawmakers are panicking over the budget, they are adding more costs. 


Also, after complaining that health insurance premiums for state employees and retirees are skyrocketing by 27%, our Democrat Representatives on the House Appropriations Committee voted to eliminate co-pays for abortion services for State employees. They also

expanded Medicaid to include abortion services.  The Hyde Amendment, which restricts the use of Federal funds for abortions, be damned!  Sadly, this isn’t the first time Democrats have waded into unconstitutional territory.  


So, this bill is now on its way to the Senate.  Hopefully, the Democrats in that chamber will reject this contradiction in reason.


I’m totally perplexed as I can’t understand how these conflicting initiatives make any basic economic sense.  The truth is, they don’t.  However, they make lots of political sense if you are using every possible incentive to consolidate a constituency that will not only keep you in power but decimate any opportunity for the other side to impact policy. The party in power uses our tax money to maintain this advantage to the detriment of Delawareans.  This situation also allows unconstitutional bills to make it over the finish line and become law.  Only after they are challenged in court and the text of the constitution invoked does sanity reappear.


The Democrat party has held the reigns of the Executive and Legislative Branches in the First State for decades. As with most things in life, more balance is needed when it comes to who controls the levers of power.  Without more balance in Dover, Delaware is likely to continue its downward spiral and we will all join Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter in Wonderland.

April 2024

April 29, 2024

Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,

I received information from the Delaware Republican Committee that Party Chair, Julainne Murray has decided to run for Governor again.

Julianne made a preliminary announcement the other day via her Murray Minute.  She is planning a formal announcement at the GOP Convention on May 18th.  I expect she will file her paperwork with the state sometime after the Convention. 

With Julianne making her preliminary announcement, we now know that there will be a Republican primary.  A gentleman named Jerry Price has also declared.  I don’t have. A lot of information about him.  There may be others who decide to run.  Candidates may file for office up until noon on July 9,2024.   

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me,



April 17, 2024


Good afternoon SCRWC members and associates, 


I am sharing with you a letter I wrote to the Delaware General Assembly and sent to the Cape Gazette and the Coastal Point.  It speaks to HB350 – the bill we spoke about at our meeting last month.  In my opinion, while I understand the need to address the rising cost of healthcare we are seeing in DE, this is a very wrong approach on many levels.  


I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on this issue.


                                                                                    April 16, 2024

Dear Delaware Legislators,


As a Registered Nurse who relocated to Sussex County, Delaware upon my retirement, I am very dismayed that HB 350 is being considered in the General Assembly.  


I understand the concern that healthcare costs are out of control in this, my adopted state.  It appears from what has been said that the impetus for HB 350 is the state looking at an expected increase of 27% in premiums for employees and retirees.  However, I believe that adopting a plan that puts the government in the middle of monitoring hospital budgets is not the correct approach. I agree with the Delaware Hospitals and with Brian Frazee, CEO of the Delaware Healthcare Association.  This is not a good plan.


Delaware has a problem with its healthcare system.  Cost is not the only issue. I would submit that some of the reasons our state is seeing drastic increases in medical and insurance costs is easily linked to the fact that Kent and Sussex Counties and some areas of New Castle County are designated by the Federal Government as Medical Underserved Areas (MUA’s) and its citizens as Medically Underserved Populations (MUP’s). A person new to the area, and there are certainly many of those, who has a medical issue and is trying to find a primary care provider is likely to have to wait 2-3 months for an appointment.   By then whatever the issue is likely to have exacerbated requiring multiple types of medical interventions and possibly hospitalization. As a last resort, the person may decide to go to the Emergency Room rather than wait to see a provider as an outpatient.  We all know that ER visits are much more expensive than primary care visits.


Having spent most of my career in teaching facilities with physician residency programs in the Baltimore area, I know first-hand that there are certain criteria these newly minted physicians consider when determining where they want to practice.  They are usually married to other professionals and may have young families.  There is a dearth of professional jobs in the state and the further south you go, the fewer there are. In addition, if they do not already have school-aged children, they are likely planning to start a family.  They want their children to attend good schools.  We are unable to offer that and even if they are looking for private schools we have few of those. I postulate that if we fix the schools, we stand a better chance of recruiting more physicians.  Representative Shupe’s HB 192 is a step in the right direction by requiring failing Schools to devise plans for remediation.


There are other tactics that the General Assembly could evaluate to lower costs.  Delaware has a CON (Certificate of Need) law.  This was originally intended to make health care more affordable.  More than five decades later, the research shows these laws are more likely to contribute to higher costs.  Further, the Federal Trade Commission has concluded: “The majority of studies fail to establish any definitive link between CON laws and lower unit costs.” In addition, research conducted by the Center for Health Services Research at Georgia State University found that “increased CON rigor is associated with higher costs.”  There are multiple examples in many other industries that show competition drives down costs and improves efficiency. CON’s thwart competition. Hospital competition, efficiency and technology are key to lowering costs – not government interference.


I am surprised that the sponsor is suggesting that this Diamond State Cost Review Board, with its politically appointed commissioners, will be fashioned after Vermont’s cost review system.  According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, between 1991 and 2020, Vermont’s annual health care spending per capita grew faster than any other state’s.  


So, I would say to you in the words of that Delaware icon of all that’s good and holy, Joe Biden, “DON’T!’”


Marilyn F. Booker, RN, MS

President Sussex County Republican Women’s Club



April 11, 2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,


Welcome to Spring – finally!  I’m so happy that we are able to enjoy some warmer temperatures and are over the total eclipse mania.  Now we just need to figure out what to do with those eclipse glasses.  You can hold onto them until the next one on August 23, 2044.  But I don’t expect that I’ll be around then!  I guess I’ll just leave them for our kids to deal with.


Spring should be a time of renewal and awakening.  Unfortunately, as we gear up for the Election Season aka the “silly season,” it appears that once again Republicans will be hammered with the abortion issue by the Democrats.  Hey! when you find a winning play, it makes sense to try it again. The Democrats are already portraying us as Neanderthals because we either just don’t understand or just don’t care about how this barbaric procedure is necessary to “protect” women’s health.  The whole notion of “safe and rare” as found in the Roe vs Wade decision is no longer of interest to them.  It seems that some think abortion is permissible at any time during a woman’s pregnancy.


I heard something the other day that made me stop and think about this and how disingenuous the Democrats are when they speak of the “right to abortion.”  No matter where you stand on this issue, here’s a fact that I think you will find interesting and rather ironic.


The speaker I was listening to stated that in the United States, “taking bald or golden eagles, including their parts (including feathers, nests, or eggs) is a violation of The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection act (16 U.S.C. 668-668d). A violation of this act can result in a fine of $100,000 ($200,000 for organizations), imprisonment for one year or both for a first offense.  Penalties increase substantially for additional offenses and a second violation of this act is a felony.


Delaware law addresses this as well by making it a Class A environmental misdemeanor “to disturb or damage the nest or eggs of a bald eagle or possess a bald eagle.”  A person convicted of a Class A environmental misdemeanor shall be fined not less than $1000 and no more than $10,000 plus the cost of prosecution and court costs, or such person may be imprisoned.


So, why do I share this with you?  In the upcoming months, I expect this may be a topic of discussion as you gather with friends and family at barbecues and other summer gatherings. I wanted to give you information to make a point about how we are not protecting the preborn baby humans as well as we protect the unhatched baby eagles. 


I believe overturning Roe v Wade was a good thing.  There is NO mention of abortion in the U.S. Constitution and according to the 10th Amendment of this document, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Therefore, the justices followed the Constitution and revised this wrongly decided ruling. 


I’m not suggesting that you go out of your way to engage in a discussion of this divisive issue unless you choose to.  But I think it’s good to be armed with information to be able to point out the irony and not to have to play defense.





March 2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,

Happy Women’s History Month!  Let’s make history together this month by recruiting new members; writing letters to our local representatives and senators about the issues you see on our Legislative Updates pages; and selling tickets to our April fundraiser!  We have the talent and tools to accomplish these things.

Congratulations to our member, Lisa Hudson Briggs.  Lisa was appointed to the Indian River School Board District 1 to replace a member of this Board who moved out of the district.  She will complete the unexpired term and has filed to run for this seat in the School Board  elections taking place on May 14, 2024.

There is other information I think you will find interesting regarding other upcoming elections.


There will be a very important referendum for the Cape Henlopen School District on March 26.  It is important that you have your voices heard.  There are financial implications for every property owner in the Cape Henlopen School District.

This area has seen a 50% increase in the number of students and this referendum includes an increase in both operational and capital funding.  This will mean an increase in taxes for those property owners in this School District.  You can find out more about exactly what is in this referendum at the following community meetings but here is a general description I found on their website:

“On March 26, 2024, Cape Henlopen School District residents will be asked to vote on a referendum to provide crucial support for a state-approved locally funded capital project for a new District Office, Natatorium, and Bus Maintenance Facility, alongside essential operating costs to uphold our high educational standards. This referendum is a balanced effort to foster educational excellence and community growth, addressing both infrastructure needs and day-to-day operational quality.

Mr. Fulton will be hosting three community meetings to present information about the referendum including what it means for the District and what it means for the community at large.

Community Meeting at Milton Elementary – March 11, 2024, at 6:00PM

  512 Federal Street

  Milton, DE 19968

  Meeting will be held in the Auditorium

Community Meeting at Lewes Elementary – March 18, 2024, at 6:00PM

   820 Savannah Road

  Lewes, DE 19958

   Meeting will be held in the Auditorium”


  • There will not be a Democrat Primary Election on April 2nd as Joe Biden is the only candidate.

  • If Nikki Haley drops out before April 2nd, there will be no Republican primary as Donald Trump will be the only candidate.  However if Nikki Haley stays the course, Early voting will begin on March 20th.  In Sussex County there are 8 polling places for Early Voting.  This is subject to change since there may only be a Republican Presidential Primary and it is anticipated that there is no need for this many locations.  I will keep you informed as I get any more information.  As of now, here are the Early Voting Sites:

    • American Legion Post 28 31768 Legion Rd.  Millsboro

    • Department of Elections Warehouse, 532 S. Bedford St., Georgetown 

    • Department of Elections Warehouse, 200 Allen St., Seaford

    • Ellendale Fire Hall, 302 Main Street. Ellendate

    • Laurel Fire Hall 205 W. 10 th St. Laurel

    • Margaret H. Rollins Community Center, 101 Adams Ave., Lewes

    • Millville Community Center, 32517 Dukes Dr, Millville

    • Roxana Fire Hall, 35943 Zion Church Rd, Frankford

The Statewide Primary Election is September 10th and the General Election is November 5th.  There will be Early Voting for these races.  Please note that the Superior Court ruling published on February 23rd does not affect Primary or Special Elections – only General contests. The Delaware Constitution only speaks to General Elections.  Therefore, early voting and permanent absentee voting will be permitted for these elections.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at our March meeting on 3/27/2024.  We will again be at the Virden Retreat Center.  Please RSVP via email: by Monday, March 18th.  We will be hosting our associate member, Steve McCarron, candidate for Sussex County Council District 2.


February 2024

February 26, 2024

Good day, ladies and gentlemen, 

Can you hear it?  That low trickling sound is month of February drifting away.  On some level this is good because it means we will soon be welcoming the beautiful season of Spring.   Spring in Sussex County is one of my favorite times of the year. On another level, this means that if you have not paid your dues for 2024 by this Thursday, 2/29/24, you will be dropped from our list of members and associates in good standing and that’s not one of my favorite things to do.  This deadline is not our doing.  It is from the NFRW and as a member of this federated group, we must comply.

This is a very important Election Year (it seems they all are recently) and as has been our tradition, we will be arranging for all of the local and statewide Republican candidates to speak at our meetings.  You don’t want to miss these meetings.  In addition to the incumbents, we have three of our women members running in November – Kim Hoey Stevenson, Valerie Jones Giltner, and Nikki Miller.  After losing SD 6 to Russ Huxtable, and RD 20 to Stell Parker Selby, the Democrats smell blood in the water and we must be prepared to take back these two seats and hold onto every other seat in Sussex.  It is up to us to do this and fulfill our mission of electing Republicans to office.  I can’t state the importance of this any more emphatically.

If you have not paid your dues by now, please, please do so immediately.  You can pay online at Dues Renewal | SCRWC.  This is the fastest and easiest way to get this done.  Or, you can mail a check made out to SCRWC to:  38039 Pine Needle Lane, Frankford, DE 19945.

Thanks in advance,



February 18, 2024


Greetings SCRWC members and associates,

I hope you’re staying dry and warm.  Take heart, spring will be here very soon and along with the better weather, the Grease Band will arrive to have you dancing the night away with great rock and roll!  I’m attaching the event flyer, so you’ll have something to show your friends and family as you encourage them to attend this very fun event with you.

I also received an email from my friend, Phil Drew, that I think you will want to investigate.  I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials on TV from multiple companies trying to sell you monitoring services to alert you to anyone trying to steal your home by recording a deed for your home, essentially transferring your home to these thieves. 

 With the very high transfer tax in Delaware, it is unlikely that this would happen here, but one never knows just how devious and desperate the perpetrators may be.

The Sussex County Recorder of Deeds has established a FREE service to notify homeowners if/when documents are recorded and the homeowner’s name is mentioned.  Signing up for this service is quick and easy – I’m told it takes less than a minute.  You will receive two emails to complete to confirm the process is in place.  Here’s the link to sign up:

If you have not RSVP’d to our meeting on 2/28, please do so ASAP.  Greg Fuller, Register of Wills, will offer some helpful information on wills and estates.

Finally, to remain a member in good standing, please make arrangements to pay your dues very soon. 




Download Greaseband Returns pdf flyer below and share with Family & friends!


February 4, 2024

Greetings SCRWC Members and Associates,

On January 27th, the DFRW sponsored Leadership Training for members and officers of the 4 Delaware Republican Women’s Clubs.  The reviews are in, and every participant had great things to say about the training.  Many suggested that they would like to see other sessions scheduled. 

I was asked to present on leadership, but the husband and I had a previously scheduled vacation, and I hear she did a great job. (Exactly what I expected!) I am truly grateful to Carole for covering for me.


There is talk about more sessions like this.  I will keep you informed.  I encourage each of you to attend if you are able.  The more information we have, the better we can assist in meeting our goals!

January 2024

January 21, 2024

Greetings SCRWC members and associates,

I hope you are all staying safe and warm.  With temperatures in the teens here or lower across the country, I can’t help but ask, “Is this  global warming?”

I also hope each of you has caught your breath after all the festivities of the holidays.  There is much to do now that election season is gearing up and we will be requesting your assistance.  Thanks to Cathy Watts and Kris Kessler we submitted our hours and calls for the NFRW Achievement Awards on time.  We submitted 34,528 hours and 23,615 calls.  As always, we will be featuring candidates at our meetings going forward.

I am pleased to tell you  that I have received the contract from the Grease Band for our April 27th dinner dance.  It’s going to be huge!  I’ve already gotten requests for tickets!  Thanks to the efforts of Carole Andrejko and Kathy Enedy, our website is ready for ticket purchasers.  I strongly suggest that if you are interested, you make those purchases sooner rather than later.  We will only be able to accommodate 300 attendees.  We have also cut off the ability to purchase tickets on the website on April 18th.  For ease of record-keeping we are hoping that people purchase tickets online.  However, we will accept checks/cash for tickets.  No tickets will be sold at the door. 

In case you’ve forgotten, it is time to pay your 2024 dues.  Please make sure you pay these before the deadline of February 29th!  Do it now so you don’t forget!  The number of members in good standing we have determines how many votes we may cast at the NFRW Spring Meeting.   

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

― Abraham Lincoln

Stay warm,


January 8, 2024


Greetings SCRWC members!


In case you were unaware, one of our members, Kim Hoey Stevenson is running for the State Senate in SD 6.  You may recall that we lost this seat in 2022 when Russ Huxtable (D) was successful in his bid.  To say that he has been a disaster is an understatement.  


We want Kim to be successful and each of us can play a role in making this happen.  If you live in SD 6 please consider holding a “Coffee” for Kim.  If you’re unfamiliar with this form of campaigning, let me explain.


Supporters of the candidate invite about 10-15 friends and neighbors over for a cup of coffee and dessert – usually around 6:30 PM.   The candidate (Kim) attends and speaks with the group outlining her platform.  Your friends will be able to ask questions and discuss issues with her.  Kim’s campaign will pay for the coffee and dessert.  Your only responsibility is to open your home and invite your fiends and neighbors.  Hopefully, some of your friends who are in attendance will agree to do a coffee for Kim and invite other friends.  


This is an excellent opportunity for you to help our club fulfill our mission of electing Republicans and advancing women in the political process.  We want to let everyone know that the SCRWC is active and a significant asset in getting candidates elected.


If you are willing to help Kim by holding a coffee for her, please let her campaign manager, Ernie Lopez know as soon as you can.  Ernie’s email address is:  These should probably start In about a month or so.  Let’s fill Kim’s schedule and keep her busy meeting her future constituents!


Please consider this quote by Michelle Rollins:


There has never been a more important moment and important role for our women to play in redirecting America! 

Lord knows our state needs redirecting and we must play a role in this!


God bless you all,
